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TAROT READINGS: Wildly Accurate, Deeply Supportive

I have been studying tarot for many years, using it weekly to reflect on my mental state and explore my thoughts and feelings about my surroundings. When I find myself uncertain about how to approach a situation, I find it incredibly helpful to sit down with the cards. They prompt me to process my emotions, guiding me toward a deeper understanding of the people in my life and the choices I make. Often, the insights I gain reveal my true feelings in ways I might not uncover on my own.


Do I believe the cards reveal the future? Not at all. The true power lies not in the cards themselves but in the user. I see the cards as tools that help the user concentrate on the issue at hand, guiding their thoughts to places they might not explore otherwise. They can uncover subconscious feelings that the user may not yet recognize, facilitating those “aha” moments that might otherwise remain hidden.


Do you have a situation you need guidance on? Let the cards help kickstart your thinking. Look for the connections between their messages and your circumstances. If a card says something you disagree with, reflect on why that is. Consider what might change if you shifted your perspective. Conversely, if a card resonates with you immediately, explore what that signifies. Are you satisfied with its message, and are you willing to act on it? The possibilities are truly endless.

I’d love to assist you by pulling your cards and explaining their meanings. Together, we can explore how they resonate with you and what that reveals about your unique situation. I offer several packages, each including a digital photograph of your card spread and a document detailing the meanings of the cards in relation to your question.
Benefits of a tarot reading can include gaining fresh perspectives on longstanding issues, clarifying your true feelings, and accessing your subconscious for guidance when you feel stuck.


Receive a personalized 10 card tarot reading - in PLAYLIST FORM. Songs are carefully selected to reflect the tone and overall message of each card and collected into one playlist to take you on an audio journey through your reading. Pop on some headphones and listen to your reading. You might meet some new music too!
Readings are delivered via e-mail and include an image of your 10 card tarot spread and a corresponding playlist. A link to your playlist on spotify is also provided if you are a user of the platform.

A woman in a red velvet dress and oatmeal coloured knit sweater sits in the forest with a stack of tarot cards in her hands

Please allow up to 7 business days for your playlist to be created. Keep in mind that the music style might not align perfectly with your personal taste, but the emphasis is on the messages in the lyrics and the emotions they evoke. I encourage you to listen actively—set aside some quiet time to truly immerse yourself in the music. If you have a tarot deck at home, it could be beneficial to replicate the reading in front of you and observe the card artwork while you listen.

A smiling woman in a black hat sits on a blanket in the tall grass


Single Card Readings
  • Daily Meditation Card
Start the day with a card pull to set the tone. Is it a positive card? A negative card? What kind of day do you feel you will have if it is a card you connect with? Or disagree with? Each card tells a story, how does that story reflect your life or the lives of the people around you? If it is a card that suggests kindness, will you enter your day with kindness in your heart? Think about the message conveyed and what you can do about in in 24 hours.
  • Simple Yes or No
Everyone loves a simple, direct answer. Ask a yes or no question and see whether the card pulled is positive or negative.
Three Card Readings
  • Past-Present-Future
This is a classic tarot spread that takes a closer look at the path you are walking. The past is shown in the first card and represents obstacles you may have already overcome, relationships that have ended, and things you have left behind but can continue to reflect on your present path. The present card shows where you are now and what may currently be happening around you. The future card shows what is possible down the line, or outlines goals you may want to focus on or give up in favour of something new.
  • You-Other Person-Relationship
A good spread for the querent that wants to focus on their relationships. The first card represents you, the second card represents the other person, and the final card shows the ways you are connected to each other.
  • Situation-Action-Outcome
This spread is great for work related questions. The first card shows the situation you find yourself in, followed by the second card which prompts thought on how you could take action on that situation, or if action is warranted. The final card shows what the outcome could look like in relation to the action you wish to take.
Four Card Readings
  • 1. What you know 2.What they know 3. What you don't know 4. What they don't know
This 4 card spread takes a closer look at the querent and where they are on the path. The first card shows what you already know about yourself and the world. The second card shows what others know or feel about the querent. The third card reveals what you may not know or what has not crossed your mind. The final card prompts the querent to think about what others may not know about them. This could apply to something you have kept private deliberately or something you can express more clearly to your friends if you want it known.
  • 1. Matter at hand 2. What you shouldn't do 3. What you could do 4. Possible outcomes
This is another great spread when applied to work or other creative endeavours. The first card shows the matter at hand or illustrates what the problem might be. The second card shows what the querent shouldn't do in relation to the matter at hand. The third card prompts the querent to think about what action they would like to take in relation to the matter at hand. The final card shows what the outcomes may look like following the chosen action.
A fan of 10 tarot cards spread out on a wicker tray with a small guidebook sitting on top


Experience mindfulness on the go with our travel-sized tin! This kit allows you to perform a Tarot reading for yourself using 10 randomly selected cards, accompanied by an informative guide to help you along the way. It's ideal for both beginners and advanced readers.

The kit includes: 10 random cards from The Fox Universe Tarot, a mini guidebook, a black and gold enamel pin featuring Ghost Lady, and a mini candle—all beautifully packaged in a reusable metal tin.

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